Windows 11 and Bluetooth

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:08:43 AM

Windows 11 and Bluetooth issues

Windows 11 and Bluetooth issues

Search for: Windows 11 and Bluetooth issues

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:09:29 AM

It seem to loose connectivity to blue tooth devices....

It seem to loose connectivity to blue tooth devices....

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:11:09 AM


  1. Very very annoying
  2. Mouse and keyboard, of all the devices! give a break.
  3. Shows paired. Don't work
  4. Cannot remove
  5. Cannot add
  6. Diagnostics say the laptop has no blue tooth support! lie!!

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:11:43 AM

So a reboot.... won't fix it

So a reboot.... won't fix it

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:12:08 AM

Apparently windows has a hidden deep reboot.....who the hell thought of that, MS??

Apparently windows has a hidden deep reboot.....who the hell thought of that, MS??

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:12:33 AM

How to Windows 11 full reboot?

How to Windows 11 full reboot?

Search for: How to Windows 11 full reboot?

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:13:07 AM

Apparently the kernel doesn't get restarted on a restart....who could have thought

Apparently the kernel doesn't get restarted on a restart....who could have thought

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:15:33 AM

Apparently....for full reboot

  1. 1. You can turn it on in settings (I couldn't find this on a quick look)
  2. 2. Some kind of a key press (was told shift) during restart or reboot
  3. 3. Or some command line option for "shutdown.exe" (This worked)
  4. 4. Will post later on the other two for who these day and age know anything about command line
  5. 5. Oh, windows, why do you do this for your loyal supporters, and be called names ....

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:17:45 AM

So Quick answer for this particular situation

  1. I assume your device supports bluetooth and you have used that most of the time and suddenly lost them
  2. You don't see Bluetooth as a device in the device manager itself
  3. Find out how to do a full reboot from the web and that seem to fix this accidental loss of recognizing bluetooth

satya - 2/28/2023, 7:20:09 AM

False answers....

  1. 1. You will see indications of power settings for blue tooth. Perhaps legitimate under some circumstances. But I haven't see the suggested settings at all. May be the unrecognition of blue tooth removed them from settings
  2. 2. You will see advise on going into services and make the bluetooth service start automated. (Not sure why it is there as manual to begin with baffles me). But again not related to this problem

satya - 3/19/2023, 12:53:27 PM

One of the links where full shutdown options laid out

One of the links where full shutdown options laid out

satya - 3/19/2023, 12:57:32 PM

2 approaches

  1. Hold the shift-key while clicking on shutdown button
  2. Or use shutdown -r -t 00
  3. Or shutdown /s /f /t 0. Then you need to click the power button to start again
  4. Or shutdown /r /f /t 0
  5. Make sure you close all your applications before doing this
  6. Note I haven't tried all of them. So give them a shot and see which works

satya - 3/19/2023, 1:23:10 PM

This seem to work: shutdown and restart

shutdown /r /f /t 0

However note there is no way if the respective shutdown is full or partial, and only way to know is if the outcome you are expecting is corrected after the reboot or not