Saber and Conocer

satya - 3/15/2023, 4:52:46 PM


  1. Dudo que sepas cocinar tan bien como tu madre. (I doubt that you know how to cook as well as your mother.)
  2. Ojalá que sepa la respuesta a esa pregunta. (Hopefully he knows the answer to that question.)
  3. Es importante que sepamos nuestros derechos y deberes. (It's important that we know our rights and responsibilities.)
  4. No creo que sepas lo difícil que es aprender un nuevo idioma. (I don't think you know how difficult it is to learn a new language.)
  5. Es posible que ellos sepan algo que nosotros no sabemos. (It's possible that they know something we don't know.)
  6. Espero que sepas que siempre puedes contar conmigo. (I hope you know that you can always count on me.)

satya - 3/15/2023, 4:54:43 PM

Just English

  1. I doubt that you know how to cook as well as your mother.
  2. Hopefully he knows the answer to that question.
  3. It's important that we know our rights and responsibilities.
  4. I don't think you know how difficult it is to learn a new language.
  5. It's possible that they know something we don't know.
  6. I hope you know that you can always count on me.

satya - 3/15/2023, 4:55:20 PM

Just spanish

  1. Dudo que sepas cocinar tan bien como tu madre.
  2. Ojalá que sepa la respuesta a esa pregunta.
  3. Es importante que sepamos nuestros derechos y deberes.
  4. No creo que sepas lo difícil que es aprender un nuevo idioma.
  5. Es posible que ellos sepan algo que nosotros no sabemos.
  6. Espero que sepas que siempre puedes contar conmigo.

satya - 3/15/2023, 4:59:48 PM


  1. Me sorprende que no conozcas a mi hermano mayor. (I'm surprised that you don't know my older brother.)
  2. Dudo que ella conozca el camino a la playa. (I doubt that she knows the way to the beach.)
  3. Es importante que conozcan los síntomas de la enfermedad. (It's important that they know the symptoms of the illness.)
  4. Espero que conozcas a mi mejor amigo pronto. (I hope you meet my best friend soon.)
  5. No creo que conozcan la historia de este lugar. (I don't think they know the history of this place.)
  6. Es posible que el director nos conozca de una reunión anterior. (It's possible that the director knows us from a previous meeting.)

satya - 3/15/2023, 5:00:20 PM


  1. I'm surprised that you don't know my older brother.
  2. I doubt that she knows the way to the beach.
  3. It's important that they know the symptoms of the illness.
  4. I hope you meet my best friend soon.
  5. I don't think they know the history of this place.
  6. It's possible that the director knows us from a previous meeting.

satya - 3/15/2023, 5:00:39 PM


  1. Me sorprende que no conozcas a mi hermano mayor.
  2. Dudo que ella conozca el camino a la playa.
  3. Es importante que conozcan los síntomas de la enfermedad.
  4. Espero que conozcas a mi mejor amigo pronto.
  5. No creo que conozcan la historia de este lugar.
  6. Es posible que el director nos conozca de una reunión anterior.

satya - 3/15/2023, 5:02:14 PM


  1. In Spanish, "saber" and "conocer" both can be translated as "to know" in English, but they are used in different contexts.
  2. "Saber" is used to express knowledge or information about a fact, an idea, or how to do something.
  3. On the other hand, "conocer" is used to express familiarity or acquaintance with a person, a place, or a thing.

satya - 3/15/2023, 5:02:33 PM

saber: fact, idea, how to

saber: fact, idea, how to

satya - 3/15/2023, 5:02:52 PM

Conocer: People, places, things

Conocer: People, places, things