Word and Markdown

satya - 9/2/2024, 12:30:20 PM

Document converters

Pandoc:Search On Web

CloudConvert:Search On Web

Dillinger:Search On Web

Visual Studio Code Extensions (Markdown PDF, Markdown All in One):Search On Web

Typora:Search On Web

Mammoth .docx Converter (WordPress plugin):Search On Web

Jupyter Notebook with nbconvert:Search On Web

satya - 9/2/2024, 12:39:15 PM

Let me start with vscode plugins

Let me start with vscode plugins

satya - 9/2/2024, 12:42:24 PM

Markdown PDF

  1. Convert Markdown to Multiple Formats: Supports conversion to PDF, HTML, PNG, JPEG, and DOCX (Word) formats.
  2. Customizable Export Options: Allows customization of export settings like page size, margins, and orientation. Supports custom CSS styling for exported documents.
  3. Supports TOC (Table of Contents): Automatically generates a table of contents in the exported document based on Markdown headings.
  4. Image and Link Handling: Properly handles embedded images and links in Markdown files during conversion.
  5. Multi-file Export: Supports exporting multiple Markdown files at once.
  6. Math and Diagram Support: Supports LaTeX-style math equations and diagrams like Mermaid or PlantUML in the exported documents.
  7. Page Breaks: Allows manual page breaks to be inserted in the Markdown file for structured formatting in the output.
  8. Code Block Syntax Highlighting: Maintains syntax highlighting for code blocks in the exported formats.
  9. Auto-save Option: Can automatically save the output file in a predefined location without prompting the user.
  10. Command Palette Integration: Accessible through the Visual Studio Code Command Palette, making it easy to use without leaving the editor.

satya - 9/2/2024, 12:42:48 PM

Seem the all in one plugin may be more involved.... will experiment in the future.

Seem the all in one plugin may be more involved.... will experiment in the future.

satya - 9/2/2024, 12:48:53 PM

Markdown PDF vscode instructions

Markdown PDF vscode instructions

satya - 9/2/2024, 12:49:45 PM

Homepage of markdown PDF at github

Homepage of markdown PDF at github

satya - 9/2/2024, 1:20:41 PM

Of course issues

  1. Doesn't do docx directly!!
  2. Does not generated TOC inside the MD file, although it does during conversion if you set it up.
  3. I prefer that it does TOC in the md file itself!
  4. Pandoc seem to be increasingly needed, ha!