Understanding PBMs

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:10:59 PM

Understanding Pharmacies and PBMs

Understanding Pharmacies and PBMs

Search for: Understanding Pharmacies and PBMs

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:11:05 PM

Understanding Pharmacies and PBMs

Show images for: Understanding Pharmacies and PBMs

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:13:40 PM

From Pharmacists Association of NY: pssny

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:14:11 PM

Taken from the article below: PBM Basics

Taken from the article below: PBM Basics

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:16:31 PM

From American Health Policy.org, A PDF

From American Health Policy.org, A PDF

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:18:15 PM

Health Premiums, Deductibles, earnings, inflation

Show images for: Health Premiums, Deductibles, earnings, inflation

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:23:12 PM

As of 2019 (from 2009), looking up some graphs there

1. inflation 20%

2. wages 26%

3. Premiums 54%

4. deductibles 162%

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:30:00 PM

IT of PBMs

1. Manage a retail network of pharmacies

2. Mail order capabilities

3. Drug quantity purchasing discounts

4. clinical analysis

5. eligibility tracking and determination

6. Claims adjudication

7. Payments to pharmacies

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:43:16 PM

Accumulators and PBMs Architecture

Show images for: Accumulators and PBMs Architecture

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:43:38 PM

An example of a PBM platform: Nirvana

An example of a PBM platform: Nirvana

satya - 1/9/2022, 12:47:16 PM

PBM and Payer interaction

Show images for: PBM and Payer interaction

satya - 1/9/2022, 1:14:32 PM

How do pharmacies check prior authorization?

How do pharmacies check prior authorization?

Search for: How do pharmacies check prior authorization?

satya - 1/10/2022, 7:56:39 AM

Healthcare as a Supply Chain

satya - 1/10/2022, 8:45:49 AM

Patient, Pharmacy, PBM, and Payer interaction

satya - 1/10/2022, 3:26:59 PM

Integration aspects of Payers and PBMs

1. Eligibility

2. Plans and benefits

3. Other insurances carried by members(COBs)

4. Accumulator and deductible exchanges

5. Formularies exchange

6. Rebates

7. Medical claims (likely for step therapies and other drug interactions)

8. Single sign on

9. Network data to Payer for such things as Online Provider Directories

satya - 1/10/2022, 3:29:10 PM

Notes on item 4 in the diagram above

1. The member cost share due to deductibles spent is exchanged off line, althought as soon as such a spend event occurs.

2. This means at the POS PBM directly answers the member responsibility

3. Similarly eligibility, and prior auths are also stored at PBM allowing PBM to answer the POS call from a pharmacy,