Writing for ONJava/java.net - Template (interpreted)
<!doctype html public "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<!-- java.net / ONJava article template
v 2.1, 1 Dec 2005 -->
<!-- ideally, your finished article should pass validation at one of the
online HTML validators, such as http://validator.w3.org/
Using the rules in this document will help you do that. Another option
is to run your HTML through tidy when you're ready to submit it. You
could do this either with a command like:
tidy myarticle.html > mytidyarticle.html
or via a web form at http://validator.aborla.net/ .
Tidy's home page (http://tidy.sourceforge.net/) has lots of Tidy
variants and ports, including binaries for various platforms,
plugins for editors and IDE's, etc.
We actually try to make everything XHTML compatible, so if you really
want us to love you, do:
tidy -asxhtml myarticle.html > myreallytidyarticle.html
<!-- title: title for your article as it appears in title bar -->
<title>Article Title</title>
<!-- keywords: in a comment, enter several search terms that
should lead a query to find this page. include api's that you're
writing about, topic areas, key classes or jars, etc. you don't need
to list "ONJava", "java.net" or your own name. terms should be
comma-separated. -->
<!-- stylesheet: this will be added in production, but if you want
to get a better feel for how your article will look, you can use
one of the following here
java.net: <link rel="stylesheet" href="http://today.java.net/css/default_developer.css" />
ONJava.com: <link rel="STYLESHEET" type="text/css" href="http://www.oreillynet.com/styles/main.css">
<!-- article title
enter your title in an <h2> tag, a blank line, your name with a <br/>,
then the article date (if one has been set) in MM/DD/YYYY format.
If you have published before, link your name to your author page.
Making Media from Scratch, Part 2</h2>
by <a href="/pub/au/1045">Chris Adamson</a><br />
Article Title</h2>
<p>by Author Name<br />
<!-- paragraphs:
remember to use XHTML, so all paragraphs end with a proper </p>.
also note:
* Use <code></code> around class names, method names, and command lines
used inside of paragraphs (see below for formatting code segments that
stand alone)
* All XHTML attributes take quotes, e.g, <a href="another-doc.html">link</a>
* XHTML tags must be properly closed. For tags that don't surround text,
use a slash before the angle brace. e.g., <br /> means the same as <br></br>,
while plain old <br> is wrong because it is unclosed.
* Do not use <br /> to break a line mid-paragraph. Either the next sentence
is the start of a new paragraph or it isn't. Don't try to split the difference
with a line break - it _always_ looks bad.
* Don't use curly quotes, ellipses, or other characters that may work in your
character set but not your readers'.
<!-- section headers:
use h3 tags
<!-- figures:
do not in-line images. instead, make a reference in copy to a
numbered figure, then include that figure after the paragraph.
images MUST be 450 pixels wide or less.
<p><img src=""/><br />
<i>Figure _. Figure description</i></p>
<!-- code examples:
code examples stand alone, outside of paragraphs. use <pre> and <code>
to maintain formatting and set an appropriate font. Break lines as
necessary to keep code under a 50-col width. take out tabs/spaces so
the first line is flush against the left margin, but please maintain
proper indentation inside your code blocks. we recommend converting
tabs to a fixed number of spaces (3 or 4 per tab is good). convert
< character to < so it isn't interpreted as a tag.
<!-- 50-char code ruler - make sure your code is
narrower than this
<!-- lists:
stand alone outside of paragraphs. note the </li> to close each
list item
<p>See HTML source comments (via "View Source" or any text editor) for instructions.
Also see style guide for further info.
<!-- resources section:
this should be at the bottom of every article. the first link in the list
should be your source code, if you have any for this article. You can refer
to this in your text with an <a href="#resources"> link, as in:
See the <a href="#resources">resources</a> section for the sample code.
<h3><a name="resources">Resources</a></h3>
<li><a href="mysamplecode.zip">Sample code</a> for this article</li>
<li><a href="">A site</a> with further information about this topic</li>
<li><a href="">Another site</a> with further information about this topic</li>
<!-- author bio:
send the editor a 5-10 line bio so your author page can be set up. the
one-line "short" bio used at the end of the article will be adapted from
this, unless you'd care to write your own short bio too.