public static String htmlEncode(String inHtmlString)
String fromCharString="<>&";
String[] toStringArray = { "<", ">", "&" };
return encode(inHtmlString, fromCharString, toStringArray);
public static String encode(final String inS
, String fromCharString
, String[] toCharStringArray)
// return empty strings as they are
if (inS == null)
return inS;
if (inS.length() == 0)
return inS;
StringBuffer thisBuffer = new StringBuffer();
for(int i=0;i<inS.length();i++)
char thisChar = inS.charAt(i);
//it is not an escape character
String translatedString =
, fromCharString
, toCharStringArray);
if (translatedString == null)
//this character is not one of the
//chars that needs to be translated
//needs translation
}// end of for
return thisBuffer.toString();
}// end of func
public static String translateCharacter(char inChar
, String fromString
, String[] toStringArray)
int i = fromString.indexOf(inChar);
if (i == -1)
return null;
//Available in the in string
return toStringArray[i];
String html1 = new String("<p>Helloworld a < b</p>");
String eHtml1 = StringUtils.htmlEncode(html1);
System.out.println(html1 + "===>>" + eHtml1);
public class HtmlEncoderPart extends AFactoryPart
protected Object executeRequestForPart(String requestName, Map inArgs)
throws RequestExecutionException
String encodingKey= AppObjects.getValue(requestName + ".encodingKey");
String inEncodeString = (String)inArgs.get(encodingKey);
if (inEncodeString == null)
throw new RequestExecutionException("Encoding key not found in the args");
//encoding key value found
return StringUtils.htmlEncode(inEncodeString);
catch(ConfigException x)
throw new RequestExecutionException("Error:config errror",x);
Once this part is inserted into the execution pipeline there will be two fields available for painting "field1" and "encoded_field1".
Escape Special Characters from Java Best Practices