Sample code for arrays
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.nio.FloatBuffer;
import java.nio.ShortBuffer;
import android.util.Log;
public class EvenPolygon
private float cx, cy, cz, r;
private int sides;
private float[] xarray = null;
private float[] yarray = null;
public EvenPolygon(float incx, float incy, float incz, // (x,y,z) center
float inr, // radius
int insides) // number of sides
cx = incx;
cy = incy;
cz = incz;
r = inr;
sides = insides;
xarray = new float[sides];
xarray = new float[sides];
private void calcArrays()
float[] xmarray = this.getXMultiplierArray();
float[] ymarray = this.getYMultiplierArray();
//calc xarray
for(int i=0;i<sides-1;i++)
float curm = xmarray[i];
float xcoord = cx + r * curm;
xarray[i] = xcoord;
this.printArray(xarray, "xarray");
//calc yarray
for(int i=0;i<sides-1;i++)
float curm = ymarray[i];
float ycoord = cy + r * curm;
yarray[i] = ycoord;
this.printArray(yarray, "yarray");
public FloatBuffer getVertexBuffer()
int vertices = sides + 1;
int coordinates = 3;
int floatsize = 4;
int spacePerVertex = coordinates * floatsize;
ByteBuffer vbb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(spacePerVertex * vertices);
FloatBuffer mFVertexBuffer = vbb.asFloatBuffer();
//Put the first coordinate (x,y,z:0,0,0)
mFVertexBuffer.put(0.0f); //x
mFVertexBuffer.put(0.0f); //y
mFVertexBuffer.put(0.0f); //z
for (int i=0;i<sides-1;i++)
mFVertexBuffer.put(xarray[i]); //x
mFVertexBuffer.put(yarray[i]); //y
mFVertexBuffer.put(0.0f); //z
return mFVertexBuffer;
public ShortBuffer getIndexBuffer()
ByteBuffer ibb = ByteBuffer.allocateDirect(sides * 3 * 2);
ShortBuffer mIndexBuffer = ibb.asShortBuffer();
for (int i=0;i<sides;i++)
short index1 = 0;
short index2 = (short)(i+1);
short index3 = (short)((i+2)%sides);
return mIndexBuffer;
private float[] getXMultiplierArray()
float[] angleArray = getAngleArrays();
float[] xmultiplierArray = new float[sides];
for(int i=0;i<angleArray.length;i++)
float curAngle = angleArray[i];
float sinvalue = (float)Math.cos(Math.toRadians(curAngle));
float absSinValue = Math.abs(sinvalue);
if (isXPositiveQuadrant(curAngle))
sinvalue = absSinValue;
sinvalue = -absSinValue;
xmultiplierArray[i] = this.getApproxValue(sinvalue);
this.printArray(xmultiplierArray, "xmultiplierArray");
return xmultiplierArray;
private float[] getYMultiplierArray()
float[] angleArray = getAngleArrays();
float[] ymultiplierArray = new float[sides];
for(int i=0;i<angleArray.length;i++)
float curAngle = angleArray[i];
float sinvalue = (float)Math.sin(Math.toRadians(curAngle));
float absSinValue = Math.abs(sinvalue);
if (isYPositiveQuadrant(curAngle))
sinvalue = absSinValue;
sinvalue = -absSinValue;
ymultiplierArray[i] = this.getApproxValue(sinvalue);
this.printArray(ymultiplierArray, "ymultiplierArray");
return ymultiplierArray;
private boolean isXPositiveQuadrant(float angle)
if ((0 <= angle) && (angle <= 90))
return true;
if ((angle < 0) && (angle >= -90))
return true;
return false;
private boolean isYPositiveQuadrant(float angle)
if ((0 <= angle) && (angle <= 90))
return true;
if ((angle < 180) && (angle >= 90))
return true;
return false;
private float[] getAngleArrays()
float[] angleArray = new float[sides];
float commonAngle = 360.0f/sides;
float halfAngle = commonAngle/2.0f;
float firstAngle = 360.0f - (90+halfAngle);
angleArray[0] = firstAngle;
float curAngle = firstAngle;
for(int i=1;i<sides;i++)
float newAngle = curAngle - commonAngle;
angleArray[i] = newAngle;
curAngle = newAngle;
printArray(angleArray, "angleArray");
return angleArray;
private float getApproxValue(float f)
if (Math.abs(f) < 0.001)
return 0;
return f;
public static void test()
EvenPolygon triangle = new EvenPolygon(0,0,0,1,3);
private void printArray(float array[], String tag)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(tag);
for(int i=0;i<array.length;i++)