Android and Googleplus instant uploads

Googleplus instant uploads not instantly uploading problem

Search for: Googleplus instant uploads not instantly uploading problem

Here is a thread to start the problem

googleplus incredibly slow uploading photos on android

Search for: googleplus incredibly slow uploading photos on android

http 500 upload resume error and photos are not being uploaded on android

Search for: http 500 upload resume error and photos are not being uploaded on android

what is googleplus roaming uploads?

Search for: what is googleplus roaming uploads?

restart the phone!!!

here is another thread to read

It says

I have uploaded approximately 2000 Photos from my phone with existing photosync, for two straight days it has refused to upload anymore. I viewed a logcat and it seems uploading is getting a http 500 upload resume error and photos are not being uploaded with the android App. I'd like a Google Android Dev to get ahold of me so I can provide them with a logcat/system log and other information. I doubt this is happening to everyone since I uploaded so many pictures maybe Its overloading?

googleplus instant upload storage limits

Search for: googleplus instant upload storage limits

I don't think this will help, but here is the instant upload trouble shooter

Check your data connection. If you travel through areas with an intermittent data connection after taking photos or videos, or if your uploads are interrupted by problems with your WiFi connection, you may reach an attempted upload limit. Spotty or inconsistent data connections can cause an upload to fail. If your photo or video fails to upload, the Google+ app will try to re-send the upload. After a number of failed tries, the upload will be removed from the upload queue.

verizon 4G and Googleplus instant uploads problem

Search for: verizon 4G and Googleplus instant uploads problem

what is format internal memory on android devices

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An article about internal storage

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Here is the link for LG revolution