
  1. Tengo que marcharme temprano para llegar a tiempo a mi cita. (I have to leave early to arrive on time to my appointment.)
  2. Ella se march� del trabajo antes de tiempo porque estaba enferma. (She left work early because she was sick.)
  3. No quiero marcharme, pero tengo que hacerlo. (I don't want to go away, but I have to.)
  4. �Te vas a marchar sin despedirte? (Are you going to leave without saying goodbye?)
  5. Me voy a marchar de esta ciudad y empezar de nuevo en otro lugar. (I'm going to leave this city and start anew somewhere else.)
  1. I have to leave early to arrive on time to my appointment.
  2. She left work early because she was sick.
  3. I don't want to go away, but I have to.
  4. Are you going to leave without saying goodbye?
  5. I'm going to leave this city and start anew somewhere else.
  1. Voy a seguir al perro hasta que encuentre a su due�o. (I'm going to follow the dog until he finds his owner.)
  2. Sigue al l�der en todo momento. (Follow the leader at all times.)
  3. Sigo estudiando espa�ol todos los d�as. (I continue studying Spanish every day.)
  4. La situaci�n sigue siendo la misma. (The situation continues to be the same.)
  5. Sigue hablando. (Continue speaking.)
  6. Siga adelante con su plan. (Go ahead with your plan.)
  7. �Sigues interesado en el trabajo? (Are you still interested in the job?)
  8. Sigue lloviendo en la ciudad. (It's still raining in the city.)

Para que... so that...

A pesar de.... despite

enviar dinero cada mes...Send money each month

  1. They are missing
  2. They are lacking
  3. faltar - to lack, to miss
  4. les - them, they
  1. Meaning: They miss nothing
  2. nada - nothing
  3. persona is a "thing"
  4. So the subjunctive is "falte" from "faltar"
  1. Les falta dinero para comprar la casa. (They lack money to buy the house.)
  2. A los estudiantes les falta tiempo para estudiar. (The students are lacking time to study.)
  3. Les falta experiencia en este tipo de trabajo. (They lack experience in this type of job.)
  4. A mi familia les falta comida para la cena. (My family is missing food for dinner.)

Entre otras....between, among others...

  1. Soler - accustomed to
  2. hacer - to do
  3. Solian hacer: used to do
  1. Cuando �ramos j�venes, sol�amos pasar el verano en la playa. (When we were young, we used to spend the summer at the beach.)
  2. Antes de la pandemia, sol�an ir al cine todos los viernes por la noche. (Before the pandemic, they would go to the movies every Friday night.)
  3. En mi pa�s, sol�an celebrar el D�a de los Muertos con altares y ofrendas. (In my country, they used to celebrate the Day of the Dead with altars and offerings.)
  1. Extra�as hacer deporte, �verdad? (You miss doing sports, don't you?)
  2. �Por qu� extra�as hacer las tareas dom�sticas? (Why do you miss doing household chores?)
  3. Extra�o hacer viajes con mis amigos. (I miss traveling with my friends.)

Unas cuadras.... a few street blocks...