by... in spanish

  1. Para las ocho
  2. Para esta tarde
  3. Para manana
  1. by 8'O clock
  2. by this afternoon
  3. by tomorrow
  1. Lo necessito para esta tarde
  2. Estare listo para las ocho
  3. Estare lista para las ocho
  4. Estare listo para esta tarde
  5. Lo necessito para las ocho

Para: by a certain time

  1. al hacer eso (by doing that)
  2. al decir - by saying
  3. al comer - by eating...
  1. Al hacer algo asi (by doing something like that)
  2. Al comer eso
  3. Al decir algo asi
  4. Al decir eso...
  5. Al comer algo asi...
  1. al lado de: next to
  2. Cerca de: near to
  1. He - I have, have
  2. mos - we
  3. Hemos - we have
  4. Quedar - stay, keep, to agree to meet
  1. esta al lado de mi casa
  2. hemos qudado cerca de la estacion
  3. hemos quedado al lado de biblioteca
  1. fue robado por su amigo
  2. fue abandonado por su padre
  3. fue escrito por su padre (it was written by her father)
  4. fue robado por su policia
  1. Para - by certain time or day
  2. al - by doing that saying that
  3. al lado de, cerca de - next to, near to
  4. Por - done by somebody
  5. de - book by, belonging to, film by
  6. en - by train, by plane, boat (barco)
  1. I need it by this afternoon
  2. I will be ready by 8
  3. I need it by tomorrow
  4. By doing something like that
  5. By eating something like that
  6. By saying that
  7. It is next to my house
  8. we agreed to meet by the station
  9. It was stolen by his friend
  10. It was abandoned by his dog
  11. it was written by her father
  12. He is going to Madrid by train
  13. He went to Madrid by plane