Public Knowledge Folders of Satya Komatineni

00.01-About     summary
00.05-Articles     summary
00.10-Conferences     summary
00.15-Research     summary
05.03-Meta Principles     summary
05.10-Letters To My Daughter     summary
Android 1.5     summary
Android Animations     summary
Android Avds, Install, Emulator     summary
Android Basic UI     summary
Android Coding Help     summary
Android Contacts     summary
Android Core     summary
Android Data Storage     summary
Android Search     summary
Android Widgets     summary
Aspire Knowledge Center (akc)     summary
Aspire Notes     summary
aws     summary
azure     summary
Bigdata     summary
Books     summary
Computer Hardware     summary
Computer Security     summary
Computing For Teens     summary
Corporate-Financial     summary
CS-AS400     summary
CS-dotnet     summary
CS-Java     summary
04.05 Java Programming NOtes (23-Jun-14)
05.01 jdk 1.4 docs (4-May-04)
05.03 server side java api docs ver 1.3 (22-Jul-04)
A bit of Tomcat, a bit of Aspire, and a touch of master pages: Microsoft Access never looked so good ;) (10-Jun-04)
A bookmark for a nice collection of java articles (24-May-08)
A computer language must pass its teach-ability test to a middle school-er!! (3-Nov-13)
A construction pattern for dependent objects (19-Oct-13)
A java thread time slice duration and performance implications (29-Dec-06)
Addressing Code Quality in Enterprises (9-Jun-12)
An open source java spell checker (15-Jul-05)
Be wary of constructors invoking virtual methods directly or indirectly! (3-Nov-13)
Build health monitors into your source code (31-Oct-13)
Character sets and encodings in Servlets: docs from sun (21-May-04)
Collecting command line arguments under windows (10-Oct-04)
Collections: How to use the collections API (16-Aug-08)
Collections: The Collections trail introduces Java Collections Framework - Joshua Block (9-Dec-03)
Concurrency and Hashmaps in Java (19-Jun-17)
Configuration Blues by Craig Castelaz (3-Dec-03)
Coordinated flight pattern for Objects (31-Oct-13)
CVS Notes (29-May-07)
Does a default constructor call the baseclass constructor? (3-Nov-13)
Dynamic Proxies (30-Aug-14)
Eclipse shortcuts (9-Sep-20)
Expression language notes (13-Aug-20)
Future of IDEs? Eclipse? (14-Jun-17)
How can I create a string stream to write to? (18-Jun-17)
How do I know if a class inherits from another class? (2-Oct-06)
How to do a repetetive task in JEdit (Temporary macro) (26-Oct-03)
How to explore android source code (12-Dec-08)
How to get the system temp directory (14-Jun-17)
How to read from a url into a buffer (3-Oct-03)
How to redirect from a jsp page server side? (25-Apr-08)
How to replace a string pattern in a directory worth of files (17-Sep-04)
How to run jar files with java.exe? (7-Oct-03)
How to use an assert: JDK 1.4 Programming With Assertions (23-Apr-12)
how to use thread local in java (11-Aug-08)
How to work the HttpServletRequest in a JSF environment (24-Jan-06)
How to work with arrays (29-Aug-14)
In search of Transparent Services : jax-rpc, WSIF, Axis, jax-ws (15-Jan-07)
Interfaces and checked exceptions are like butter and sand: they don't mix well (2-Jan-04)
Is it possible to find the encoding type of an incoming HttpRequest? (2-Mar-05)
JAR file specification (18-Aug-04)
Jar finder: Pretty neat (28-Dec-10)
Java and Browsers (23-Dec-10)
Java API and references 2020 (6-Sep-20)
Java coding guidelines (4-Oct-14)
Java encoding schemes: docs from sun (21-May-04)
Java enums (6-Jun-14)
Java integration notes and compiling for Java 11 from Java 8 (6-Sep-20)
Java Language Specification 2nd edition (9-Aug-04)
Java Logging API Notes (6-Jul-05)
Java memory settings (14-Apr-11)
Java Reverse Engineering (7-Oct-04)
java server side tutorial from sun (19-May-04)
Java string substitution/formatting and variable args (12-May-12)
java/sample code: General idea of a typeface (1-Oct-05)
java/samplecode/reflection (9-Jul-05)
java/samplecode: Using static initialization (9-Apr-12)
java: How can I monitor the startup of a debugging process? (10-Oct-04)
java: How should we use Date and Calendar objects in Java? (31-Oct-12)
java: Microsoft JDBC driver for sql server (1-Oct-04)
java: Structure of an EAR file (12-Oct-04)
Jaxb 2.0 tutorial (15-Jun-17)
JDBC driver for MS-SQL Server (8-Oct-04)
JDK 1.4 A bare bones article on chained exceptions from sun (3-Dec-03)
JDK 1.4 Features (2-Dec-03)
JDK 1.4 How to use assertions in JDK 1.4 (2-Dec-03)
JDK 1.4 Store objects using the Preferences API - Greg Travis (3-Dec-03)
JDK 1.5 Features: A Conversation with Joshua Bloch (2-Dec-03)
JDK 1.5: New Java Language Features: An indepth interview with Joshua Block (2-Dec-03)
json and java (12-Aug-20)
jsp based masterpage capabilities in Aspire: implementation notes (29-Apr-08)
jsp caching expire tag (28-Jul-09)
JSP Notes (4-Mar-06)
Language files (11-May-19)
Life and Careers (26-May-12)
List FileUtils.GetFiles(String directory) (6-Sep-20)
Multiple class inheritance in Java (22-Oct-13)
On Guava (14-Jun-17)
Overview of Servlet API - Jason Hunter (14-Sep-04)
Pattern of constraining an object construction (19-Oct-13)
Problems with jdk 1.2.2, symantec jit and pentium 4/xp (29-Mar-04)
Questions on WSAD (30-Aug-04)
Reflections on the importance of HTML prototyping for IT (11-Aug-06)
Regex XRef (1-Sep-20)
Research notes on Master Data Management (3-Jul-08)
Sample code for arrays (27-Jun-09)
Sample code for html encoding a string (11-May-07)
Sample from jdk 142 (4-Mar-05)
Security Notes (23-Jun-05)
servlets 2.4 spec PDF format (19-May-04)
SingleFileUploadPart: Some sample code to upload a file in JetSpeed (20-Sep-03)
So where are the java clouds (17-May-12)
Some words stats on an index (12-Jul-05)
Struts questions (8-May-06)
Taglib examples (10-Nov-05)
TOC: Effective Java Programming Language Guide (2-Dec-03)
Typed languages are nice (5-May-12)
Understand javax.activation.DataSource etc... (13-Apr-14)
Understanding bean utils (25-Aug-04)
Virtual hosting in tomcat and other configuration issues. (18-Jul-06)
walking through a "string" full of characters: StringCharacterIterator (8-Nov-07)
walking through java enumeration (2-Jan-11)
websphere studio site developer (18-Aug-04)
What are the Java projects in Apache? (29-Sep-12)
what does Azure has for Java? (16-Apr-12)
What is a static java class? (27-Jul-14)
What is a weak reference? (14-Aug-12)
What is Refinery CMS? (19-Jun-12)
What is Stripe? (19-Jun-12)
What is the difference between java.exe and javaw? (7-Oct-03)
What is the state of Java Serialization in Java 8 and up? (14-Jun-17)
What is volatile in Java? (5-Jul-14)
Whats up with Cloud IDEs? (17-May-12)
Whats up with go langguage? (14-Jun-17)
Whats up with Java Override? (9-May-14)
Whats up with OpenData? (17-May-12)
When all else fails: How to hide a div in JSF (24-Jan-06)
Why is it not a bad idea to delete things at garbage collection time! (13-Apr-14)
windows azure cloud (7-Jun-12)
Working with date and time (14-Aug-20)
Working with JUnit (12-Aug-20)
working with regular expressions in Java (19-Aug-20)
Working with ServletRequest's setCharacterEncoding for UTF-8 form submissions (20-May-04)
working with valid strings (4-Apr-06)
Writing an initialization servlet (9-Feb-05)
Writing for ONJava/ (3-Aug-06)
Writing for ONJava/ - Process Guide (3-Aug-06)
Writing for ONJava/ - Style Guide (3-Aug-06)
Writing for ONJava/ - Template (3-Aug-06)
Writing for ONJava/ - Template (interpreted) (3-Aug-06)
Writing for ONJava/ - Topics of Interest (3-Aug-06)
Writing your own tomcat startup batch file (11-Oct-04)
wsad: What is a sever project? (29-Aug-04)
wsad: What is the connection between your web project and the default EAR file? (2-Sep-04)
wsad:How come I don't have server tab in the j2ee perspective? (29-Aug-04)
wsad:How do you change the context information for a web project (29-Aug-04)
CS-JavaScript     summary
CSS     summary
CS-SQLServer     summary
CS-xml     summary
Custom Components in Android     summary
Dell Boomi iPAAS     summary
dotnet: An FTP implementation     summary
Eclipse     summary
Enterprise Integration     summary
Fragments and Dialogs     summary
GDGJax2012     summary
Generative Ai     summary
Git     summary
Gradle     summary
Health     summary
Humanities 2007     summary
Humanities Current     summary
I will look at these someday     summary
Immigration     summary
Jacksonville Restaurants     summary
Java 8 and Lambda Functions     summary
Java Server Faces     summary
Java-Portlets     summary
jedit     summary
jquery     summary
Julia     summary
Just-Blogs     summary
laszlo     summary
Links-Dotnet     summary
Lucene     summary
Movies     summary
Music     summary
Node     summary
Older Android Notes     summary
OpenGL     summary
OSCON-2003     summary
OSCON-2004     summary
oscon-2009     summary
Parse Cloud     summary
Paul's Links     summary
People to watch in Technology     summary
portals     summary
PowerShell     summary
Products     summary
quotes     summary
RASI-Rich Annotation Service For Images     summary
React     summary
Recipes     summary
Scratch     summary
Shells: My Writes     summary
Software Architecture     summary
Spanish     summary
Supply Chain Terminology     summary
Technology Magazines     summary
TED     summary
Telugu Related     summary
Themes and Styles     summary
Tomcat     summary
UNF Lectures on Aspire     summary
Video Streaming     summary
vscode     summary
Who am I?     summary
XSLT     summary