If the Moon's orbit around the Earth were in the same plane as the Earth's around the Sun (the ecliptic,) we would indeed have a monthly eclipse. However, the Moon's orbit is inclined about 5 degrees to the Earth's orbit. The Moon passes through the ecliptic only twice a month at a pair of points called the nodes. The rest of the time the Moon is either above or below the plane of the Earth's orbit and does not pass directly through the Earth's shadow.

No Moon

When moon to come between Sun and Earth, Earth is on the shadow side of the moon where there is no light to be reflected back to Earth.


Moon comes between Sun and Earth, blocking Sun from a part of Earth's view.


"Solar" means sun. "Eclipse" means to hide. So Solar Eclipse means hiding the Sun.

The tilt in Earths axis causes the seasons. The bottom of the tilt is antarctica which is the south. The top of the tilt is Arctic which is in the north.

when Earth is on one side of the Sun the south is closer to the Sun causing summer in the southern hemisphere and when Earth goes to the other side the North is closer to the Sun causing summer and more sunlight in the north.

5) 05 what is a year?


The time it takes for Earth to go around the Sun

Phases of the moon is caused by the moon going around earth. This is also the reason the phases of the moon are related to 1 month.

To be more accurate, the phases of the moon is caused by the relative position of the moon with respect to the sun to an observer on Earth.

Sun, Moon, and Earth forms three sides of a triangle on any given day. Because it takes a whole month for the moon to move around earth its movement in one day is not significant on earth.

So to an observer on Earth the moon looks stable on any given night. Because of the "triangle" that moon forms with Sun you will see no moon when moon comes towards the middle of Sun and Earth. You will see a full moon when the Moon goes to the other side of the Earth away from the sun.

7) 03 what is a month?


Roughly it is the amount of time it takes Moon to go around the Earth.

Rotation of earth around its axis causes day and night.

Earth goes around itself like a spinning top. It takes earth 24 hours to around itself. It will be day on the side of the earth that faces sun. That "day" side will rotate itself out where it won't face the sun any more causing "night"

29 (AA) Can you ever see all sides of the moon from Earth?

29 (A) How long is a day on sun?

28 (AAA)What is tidal locking of the moon?

27 (A) How long is a moon day?

24 (A) How are weeks named after celestial bodies?

26 (A) How are months named?

24 (A) Does the phase of a moon change from place to place on Earth during the same day?

23 Why do poles get no light at all during peak winters?

22 Is Antarctica at the north pole or the south pole?

21 Is Arctic at the north pole or south pole?

20 Name three personalities who had an opinion about if earth is round or flat?

19 who first saw the celestial bodies trhough a telescope?

18 Who proposed in the 14th century that earth is round?

17 which astronomer in 12th century said earth is flat?

16 who is Galileo Galili?

25) 15 who is Copernicus?


15 who is Copernicus?

26) 14 Who is Ptolemy?


14 Who is Ptolemy?

13 why is it called "lunar" eclipse?

12 During what phase of the moon does a lunar eclipse happen?

11 who is in the middle during a lunar eclipse?

10 what celestial body could you not see during a lunar eclipse?