0) Poor Economics


Poor Economics

1) Books Quick links


Books Quick links

The Emperor of All Melodies

Linda Minatoya: Strangeness of Beauty

Tobias Wolff: This Boy's life

Quite an extraordinary book. I hear published in 1927. I am so soaked in delight with every page. It is so dense with delight. Hope to post some conversations here.

6) Religio Medici


Religio Medici

7) The Last Lecture


The Last Lecture

8) Being Mortal


Being Mortal

When Breath Becomes Air

10) Lab Girl


Lab Girl

I need to read Four Quartets by T.S. Eliot

In Code: A Mathematical Journey by Sarah Flannery

Lean Analytics by Alistair Croll

#GreatWriters Narayan Rao on Electro Magnetism

15) Lensey Namioka


I have been meaning to read this book when I get a few minutes. Narayan brought home this book. I have read a couple of lines. it is funny and well written.

Click on the link above to see who Lensey is and what other books she wrote.

Atul Gawande: Checklist Manifesto

Tell me a good book in Java

#GreatePlaces VS Krishna Memorial Library Visakhapatnam!

#GreatWriters James Gosling First Edition of Java Programming Language

#GreatWriters Stroustroup on C Prorgramming Language (ARM)

#GreatWriters Kernighan and Ritchie on C programming language

#GreatWriters Resnick and Halliday on Physics

#GreatWriters Kresig On Engineering Mathematics

#GreatWriters: Van Valkenburg on Electric Circuits

25) The mandatory Steve Jobs


The mandatory Steve Jobs

26) Thinking, Fast and Slow


Thinking, Fast and Slow

Very hard to find a book that satisfies a boy like Narayan. He is mostly justified. Most books are boring, poorly written, little imagination, barely skilled.

It is a challenge to find a book that interests him. what a surprise we both found in Cressida Cowell. These books will keep us well for a year.

Ralph Masiello: Dragon Drawing Book

book: Riding Freedom is an engaging read

Perhaps, it will tell how love can bend what discipline could not overpower

book: the education of american dreamer

book: Seven Pleasures by Willard Spiegelman

How small a thing is art, A little pain;
disappointment, and any man feels a depth - a boundlessness of emotion,
inarticulate thoughts no poet has ever succeeded in imag[in]g.
Death does not conquer me, I conquer death
I am the master

34) Books by Art Linkletter


Books by Art Linkletter

book: Lafcadio Hearn: American Writings

Book: Pugin and the Building of Romantic Britain

book: Why evolution is true

Amazon link

Book: Terrestrial Energy by William Tucker

39) book receipt


book receipt

40) Cool Math


Cool Math

41) More IQ Testing


More IQ Testing

42) In the company of Giants


In the company of Giants

43) How the web was won


How the web was won

44) How Brains think


How Brains think

45) Changing Minds


Changing Minds

Observing this phenomenon, one cannot but wonder how an environment can make people despair and sit idle and then, by changing the conditions, one can transform the same people into matchless performers

Before the gods that made the gods
Had seen their sunrise pass,
The White Horse of the White Horse Vale
Was cut out of the grass.

Before the gods that made the gods
Had drunk at dawn their fill,
The White Horse of the White Horse Vale
Was hoary on the hill.

Age beyond age on British land,
Aeons on aeons gone,
Was peace and war in western hills,
And the White Horse looked on.

For the White Horse knew England
When there was none to know;
He saw the first oar break or bend,
He saw heaven fall and the world end,
O God, how long ago.

For the end of the world was long ago,
And all we dwell to-day
As children of some second birth,
Like a strange people left on earth
After a judgment day.

Read it online

wikipedia reference

book: Extinction by Douglas H. Erwin