"I just finished reading Pro Android 2, it is something else. I have never read an android book having, so much to bite in between two covers. Kudos to you guys."

Covers Honeycomb for Tablets
....Over 1100 pages of Android SDK.
....No Device needed to learn. Windows/Mac/Linux friendly
ProAndroid3 is an extensive programming guide to the wildly successful Android mobile/tablet SDK. Read this book to build applications for Android based phones and tablets covering Android 2.3 and 3.0. In this 3rd edition we've refined, rewritten and enhanced everything from Pro Android 2 to create a very thorough guide for beginers and professionals. This is a result of over 3 years of research by an experienced group of authors. Over 100 topics covered across 31 chapters and 1100 pages.
This edition covers both 2.3 and 3.0 of Android, the respective optimized versions of Android for phones and tablets.
we have beefed up Android internals by covering threads, processes, long running services, broad cast receivers, and alarm managers. We cover lot more UI controls in this edition. We have over 150 pages of dedicated material on 3.0 covering fragments, fragment dialogs, actionbar, list widgets, drag and drop. We have significatnly enhanced services and sensor chapters. OpenGL has been revised to include OpenGL ES 2.0.
The books is full of self contained tutorials in each chapter annotated with expert advice. All projects in the book are available as zip files for downloads. The code can also be compiled right out of the book. The list of files that goes into each project are explicitely catalogued and listed in each chapter for easy reference.
Table of Contents
This is an extensive book with 31 chapters and over 1100 pages. Here is the table of contents:
- Introducing the Android Computing Platform
- Setting up Your Development Environment
- Understanding Resources
- Understanding Content Providers
- Understanding Intents
- Building User Interfaces and Using Controls
- Adding Menus
- Implementing Dialogs
- Working with Preferences and Saving State
- Security and Permissions
- Working with Services
- Exploring Packages, Processes, and Library Projects
- Exploring Processes, Components, Threads, and Handlers
- Exploring Broadcast Receivers and Long Running Services
- Exploring the Alarm Manager
- Unveiling 2D Animation
- Exploring Maps and Location Services
- Using the Telephony APIs
- Understanding the Media Frameworks
- Programming 3D Graphics with OpenGL
- Exploring Live Folders
- Home Screen Widgets
- Android Search
- Exploring Text to Speech and the Google Translate API
- Touchscreens
- Using Sensors
- Understanding the Contacts API
- Android Market
- Fragments and Fragment Dialogs
- Programming Action Bar
- Additional Topics in 3.0: List Widgets and Drag/Drop
What you'll learn:
How to use Android SDK to build Java-based mobile applications.
How to use an extensive number of controls for UI development.
How to populate your application with data from data sources through Content Providers
How to effectiely use multiple threads for better performance and long running services.
How to create 3D graphics with OpenGL
How to build multimedia apps using Android's Media APIs
How to use Android's location-based services, network-based services, security, and craft long running services
How to use new Android 3.0 features, such as Fragments, fragment dialogs, ActionBar, Home Screen List widgets, and Drag and Drop.
In this book we went beyound basics and asked tough questions on every topic and documented the results. See the table of contents for an extensive list of what we cover in the book. Take advantage of the supplimental website (www.androidbook.com) for current and future research material on the Android SDK
We have expanded the preferences chapter
We are providing downloadable eclipse projects from the begining.
Here is an overview of the authors.
Sayed Hashimi
Sayed Y. Hashimi is a consultant and trainer in Jacksonville, Florida. Sayed has worked for startups and Fortune 100 companies. He has developed large-scale distributed applications with a variety of programming languages and platforms, including C++, Java, and .NET. Sayed has published in major software journals on topics ranging from low-level programming techniques to high-level architecture concepts.
You can find his website at http://www.sayedhashimi.com.
Satya Komatineni
Satya komatineni has been programming for too long, frankly, (over 20 years) in the IT and Web space. He has worked with Assembly, C, C++, Rexx, Java, C#, Lisp, Html, Javascript, CSS, Relational databases, Object databases and related technologies. He has published over 30 articles touching many of these areas in a number of gullible print and online magazines. The primary list of articles are available at http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/au/241. Satya has also managed to confuse O'Reilly Open Source Convention (OSCON) organizers a few times in the past couple of years to be a speaker at OSCON on a number of obscure concepts.
He went on to start an outfit that he named Active Intellect, Inc., based on the same quixotic concepts surrounding web based presence, computing, and individual productivity. You will find him more than often at his site that is developed using the same underlying technologies at http://www.satyakomatineni.com. You can find a bit more detailed but probably an ancient resume here.
While closely working with Indent, inc., he was involved in a number of projects funded by Small Business Innovative Research program. One of the programs developed is an early javascript and SVG based drawing program that works like a mini-visio on the web. He has also helped Indent to optimize J2EE portals for rapid development and deployment of websites.
Satya holds a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from Indian Institute of Technology, India, 1986, and a Bachelors degree in electrical engineering from Andhra University, India, 1984. Although he thoroughly enjoyed the subject of Electrical Engineering the value is primarily nostalagic.
You can find his website at http://www.satyakomatineni.com
Dave MacLean
Dave MacLean is a software engineer and architect currently living and working in Jacksonville, FL. He has programmed in many languages since 1980 developing systems ranging from robot automation systems to data warehousing, web self-service applications to EDI transaction processors. Dave has worked for Sun Microsystems, IBM, Trimble Navigation, General Motors, and several small companies. He graduated from the University of Waterloo in Canada with a degree in Systems Design Engineering.
Where to go from here
1. Pro Android 2 (Current Edition)
2. Early Access to Sample Projects
You can reach me directly at satya.komatineni at gmail.com
Comments from readers of the previous editions
"I just finished reading Pro Android 2, it is something else. I have never read an android book having, so much to bite in between two covers. Kudos to you guys."
Adeola Poroye Department of Computer Science University of the Western Cape
"im from brazil and i'm reading your book and loving it! Thanks for the effort, great writing!"
Eduardo Berton Android Developer Brazil
"Thanks! I hope that you will give some other books in Polish."
Janusz Podkoscielny Android Developer http://androidstudio.eu Poland
"I have found both your book and your website a wonderful reference as I have worked on developing Android applications and wanted to start by thanking you for your work."
Jon Ross Android Developer San Diego
"By the way, I own your book. It is a very good comprehensive book for Android."
Venkata Raidu Android Developer