

The IBM Toolbox for Java is a library of Java classes supporting the client/server and internet programming models to an iSeries or AS/400 server. The classes can be used by Java applets, servlets, and applications to easily access iSeries and AS/400 data and resources.

Nevertheless it is not clear if DB2Connect functionality is available here.

Also not sure if DB2 Development Center client can be run on this without an explicit DB2Connect


Basics of using DB2
Role of DB2Connect
Using OleDB vs ODBC
Feature comparison
Perf comparison
Irek's email
1. Install iseries navigator
2. Make sure you install the full set of components
3. Obtain the systemname/userid/password
4. Create a connection using 3


This book discusses how to design and code application programs that access DB2 databases. It presents detailed information on the use of Structured Query Language (SQL) in supported host language programs. For information on language support for your specific operating system, see the Application Building Guide. This book also provides an overview of some of the DB2 utilities that you can use to help create DB2 applications. These utilities include The IBM DB2 Universal Database Project Add-In for Microsoft Visual C++ and IBM DB2 Stored Procedure Builder.


A decent article outlining what can be done with iseries navigator for DB2. More like a Query Analyzer or SQL Navigator


DB2* Development Center is a rapid iterative environment for developing stored procedures, user-defined functions and more. This client-based development tool supports the entire DB2 Universal Database* (UDB) family of servers, so it?s useful for developing and deploying procedures on multiple DB2 UDB servers.


The iSeries Access ODBC driver has many connection string keywords that can be used to change the behavior of the ODBC connection. These same keywords and their values are also stored when an ODBC data source is setup. When an ODBC application makes a connection, any keywords specified in the connection string override the values specified in the ODBC data source.


Client Access Express V5R1 introduced new custom properties that can be set prior to connecting to the iSeries 400 server. These properties increase functionality of the IBMDA400 provider. The new properties are listed below.


DB2 Universal Database for iSeries (DB2/400) supports library list qualified object names only through the use of system naming convention (*SYS). Client Access OLE DB provider only supports SQL naming convention for SQL statements and Stored Procedures. *SYS naming convention and IFS naming convention are not supported.

10) 20.01 IBM Redbooks



This link is useful for finding IBM red books on a variety of subjects. This is equivalent to MSDN for IBM.


Although this exaplains the stored procedure builder of AS400, it is not clear what the future packaging of IBM is going to be and how this piece is going to be packaged into UDB releases.

Most likely this will come with the UDB client.

This tool is almost useless unless you have the underlying connectivity products like DB2Connect. And you have to pay licensing fees for this conenience.