
Enable Mac OS style menubar in Utilities -> Global Options -> Plugins -> Mac OS Settings

Change the default indentation to four spaces via Utilities -> Global Options -> Editing -> Indent Width and Utilities -> Global Options -> Editing -> Tab Width.

Change the default tab width when printing to four spaces via Utilities -> Global Options -> Printing -> Tab width when printing

Add line numbers by checking Utilities -> Global Options -> Gutter -> Line Numbering

Allow at most 80 characters per line by Utilities -> Global Options -> Editing -> Word wrap -> hard and Utilities -> Global Options -> Editing -> Wrap margin -> 80.

Change the default line separator to Unix via Utilities -> Global Options -> Loading & Saving -> Default Line Separator

Remove the annoying . that marks the end of a line by unchecking Utilities -> Global Options -> Text Area -> End of Line Markers

1) Bean Shell


Bean Shell

Use ctrl-mouse-drag
Description to be entered
Description to be entered

One way to do this using shortcuts

Global options
edit shortcuts: built-in commands or all
click on your command
ex: Repeat Last Macro
Change/add primary shortcut
Just type your key combination

Or you can use the tool bar

Global options
tool bar
Press + to add a new icon to the tool bar
Follow instructions from there

7) JEdit notes


Notes on jedit.

Description to be entered
Description to be entered
Split windows
Directory browsing

1. Run jedinit to do this job for you. It will ask you the java.exe directory

2. Or run the following command

\path\javaw.exe -mx32m -jar "C:\path\jedit\jedit.jar"