More on Android Alarm Manager, 2014
satya - 3/8/2014 8:01:31 PM
this is a continuation. Previous research is here
satya - 3/8/2014 8:01:47 PM
Key api link to understand what is new
satya - 3/8/2014 8:02:55 PM
The intent you register for an alarm manager must be a broadcast intent
The intent you register for an alarm manager must be a broadcast intent
satya - 3/8/2014 9:09:53 PM
satya - 3/8/2014 9:14:11 PM
The type of alarm can be one of
satya - 3/8/2014 9:17:31 PM
Elapsed vs the Real time clock
Elapsed time is the time since the system reboot. The real time clock is the time as we track using the Java calendar system.
So if you say 30 minutes from now, that will be from the current time you see on the device screen.
But if you say 30 minutes from elapsed time then that will be since system reboot.
You can all System.elapsedTime() to know what the current elapsed time and then you can use that one.
satya - 3/8/2014 9:18:00 PM
Wakeup vs without wakeup
The alarm will postpone the event if the device is asleep. If you say wakeup option the device will be woken up.
satya - 3/8/2014 9:23:15 PM
Since API 19
The alarms are inexact since this API. If you want to exact use the setExact() and the setWindow() methods. For apps that declared the target API as older levels the set() method will behave like setExact() to maintain backward compatibility.