Contacts, New Questions
satya - 1/2/2015, 1:14:28 PM
adding a contact to a device account in android
adding a contact to a device account in android
satya - 1/2/2015, 1:29:12 PM
satya - 1/2/2015, 1:33:37 PM
resolveAccount null account android
resolveAccount null account android
satya - 1/2/2015, 1:36:52 PM
device AccountWithDataSet
device AccountWithDataSet
satya - 1/3/2015, 9:11:38 AM
What happens if I add a contact when there is no account established
The contact gets added without an error. The contact will be listed as phone only or device only.
satya - 1/3/2015, 9:12:51 AM
You can also seem to be able to add a contact with invalid account name and type
When i tested with an invalid account type and account name it seem to add it too.
satya - 1/3/2015, 9:13:57 AM
How do I see such a contact when it has no parent account
When I examine the contact in the contacts UI provided by Android it seem to assume it is the device only or phone only contact in both cases.
satya - 1/3/2015, 9:19:53 AM
Here is what the resolveAccount source code suggests in comments
* If account is non-null then store it in the values. If the account is
* already specified in the values then it must be consistent with the
* account, if it is non-null.
* @param uri Current {@link Uri} being operated on.
* @param values {@link ContentValues} to read and possibly update.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when only one of
* {@link RawContacts#ACCOUNT_NAME} or
* {@link RawContacts#ACCOUNT_TYPE} is specified, leaving the
* other undefined.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException when {@link RawContacts#ACCOUNT_NAME}
* and {@link RawContacts#ACCOUNT_TYPE} are inconsistent between
* the given {@link Uri} and {@link ContentValues}.
satya - 1/5/2015, 10:34:36 AM
New Contracts
satya - 1/5/2015, 10:38:48 AM
So What are Social Streams?
A raw contact or person could post their constant status updates and some photos associated with that post.
These can be picked up by sync adapters to store in these two tables
One table is for the text of the post
The second table points to a series of photos tied to that post
satya - 1/5/2015, 10:51:41 AM
A group of contacts is allowed and discussed here
satya - 1/5/2015, 10:54:47 AM
How are streams used
One obvious way is to sync the user activity between the device and the social servers using the frequent synching process
You can also register for events when the user accesses a local contact either to view, update etc. In that case you can fire of the synching on a case by case basis to save time and bandwidth
You can also invoke application activities by providing an invite features while in the contacts application
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:00:37 AM
In howmany way can you reuse the contacts UI
Pick a contact from a list and have it returned to your app for further work.
Edit an existing contact's data.
Insert a new raw contact for any of their accounts.
Delete a contact or contacts data.
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:02:36 AM
Getting access to content providers via intents is discussed here
Getting access to content providers via intents is discussed here
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:04:13 AM
Here is a list of intents published for a contact provider application
Here is a list of intents published for a contact provider application
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:04:55 AM
There are more refined definitions for creating contacts through intents
There are more refined definitions for creating contacts through intents
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:11:07 AM
Two kinds of intents
Intents that the content provider can fire on certain events taking place
Intents that external applications can send to invoke the UI of the content provider
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:13:32 AM
Example of fired intents
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:14:31 AM
Example of invoking UI intents
ATTACH_IMAGE -- to a contact
SHOW_OR_CREATE_CONTACT -- To show a contact, or create one
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:16:39 AM
ACTION_PICK: Pick a contact from a list
Contacts.CONTENT_URI, which displays a list of contacts.
Phone.CONTENT_URI, which displays a list of phone numbers for a raw contact.
StructuredPostal.CONTENT_URI, which displays a list of postal addresses for a raw contact.
Email.CONTENT_URI, which displays a list of email addresses for a raw contact.
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:17:26 AM
Insert.ACTION: Invokes a create contact activity
Insert.ACTION: Invokes a create contact activity
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:17:52 AM
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:21:53 AM
See the following to see how to send an insert intent with various data values
See the following to see how to send an insert intent with various data values
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:23:38 AM
Approach is this
Set the action to insert
Set the mime type raw contact mime type
Send the data values in a list of key/value pairs (content values)
In each data row specify the mime type
Send the intent
The UI will showup with the fields pre-filled
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:41:05 AM
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:46:16 AM
Search for: android.provider.Contacts.SEARCH_SUGGESTION_CLICKED
satya - 1/6/2015, 10:54:58 AM
You can see here in this tutorial how these events suggest events are used
You can see here in this tutorial how these events suggest events are used
satya - 1/6/2015, 11:48:32 AM
satya - 1/6/2015, 11:48:43 AM
satya - 1/6/2015, 11:52:27 AM
Android Contact Provider as a Search Provider
Android Contact Provider as a Search Provider
satya - 1/6/2015, 11:54:31 AM
satya - 1/6/2015, 11:55:49 AM
satya - 1/6/2015, 12:06:13 PM
satya - 1/6/2015, 12:33:31 PM
private static final String[] SEARCH_SUGGESTIONS_COLUMNS = {
satya - 1/6/2015, 12:34:17 PM
Contacts Columns
private static class SearchSuggestion {
long contactId;
String photoUri;
String lookupKey;
int presence = -1;
String text1;
String text2;
String icon1;
String icon2;
String intentData;
String intentAction;
String filter;
String lastAccessTime;
satya - 1/6/2015, 12:46:16 PM
Contact Provider Suggestion Cursor Columns
Contact Provider Suggestion Cursor Columns
satya - 1/6/2015, 4:45:41 PM
You will find search configuration xml params
satya - 1/6/2015, 4:46:26 PM
Here are my notes on previous search research
satya - 1/6/2015, 5:54:48 PM
Note that this is speculation as I havent' tried it. But it is provable with a simple app
When a valid phone number is typed into the search box of a contact suggestions the contact provider may insert two suggestions
One suggestion is to create a contact with that number
Another suggestion is to dial that number
These suggestions will generate intent actions that are specific to them which are these two listed here.
In your search target activity you can look for these intent actions and fire off a start activity with the intent data portion pointing to the telephone number given
satya - 1/7/2015, 11:20:44 AM
Key classes in understanding how Contact Provider fulfills its search contracts
//this is the key class
//honors the basic Query method with the SEARCH SUGGEST uri
satya - 1/7/2015, 11:24:33 AM
Some notes on contact provider as a search provider
Any content provider is a search provider as well as long as it recognizes the SEARCH specific uri that is passed to its query method.
A content provider typically sets the data portion of the intent for each suggestion when it is clicked with the content uri which points to the real data cursor
A content provier may also provide varied intent actions for each suggestion that is returned
That means the search activity responding to the search suggestion must have a case statement to understand each expected intent action by looking at the documentation of the content provider
What is to be done in each of the intent actions may be different and this can be understood only by understanding the intent action that is stipulated by the content provider.
satya - 1/7/2015, 11:28:44 AM
An example for contact provider search suggest intents
//Just read the details of the contact
//Do whatever you have searched this contact for
//User has chosen from the list of suggestions to call the number
//data uri points to the structure "tel:some-number"
//Invoke the dialer using its intent;
//Pass the data uri as data for that intent
//User has chosen from the list of suggestions to create a contact for the number
//data uri points to the structure "tel:some-number"
//Invoke the create activity using its intent;
//Pass the data uri as data for that intent
satya - 1/7/2015, 11:40:04 AM
Key references for using Contact provider as a search provider
Documentation on Search from Google
My free chapter on writing custom Search providers
My Research notes on using Contact Provider as a search provider
satya - 2/27/2015, 3:16:35 PM
Why is ContactsContract.StreamItems deprecated?
Why is ContactsContract.StreamItems deprecated?