Key content provider docs
satya - 1/3/2015, 9:43:40 AM
Here is how batch operations are explained
satya - 1/3/2015, 9:59:47 AM
How does batch operations in a content provider work?
Each content provider update operation is encapsulated in an object called "ContentProviderOperation" along with the URI and all
You make a list of those
You tell the Content Resolver to apply the batch one time
Transactions are applied at the end of all operations
If an operation says that transaction can be applied at that point, then it will be dealt as the end of a unit of operation. this allows you to sub-batch your long updates of many rows
You can also say in an operation one of the columns to be updated needs to use the key returned by an indexed previous operation
thats it
satya - 1/3/2015, 10:00:15 AM
So in summary
Batch them
Yield when needed
use an id from a previous operation
satya - 1/3/2015, 10:08:16 AM
An example
//A list of operations
ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation> ops = new ArrayList<ContentProviderOperation>();
//Get a builder
ContentProviderOperation.Builder op =
ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(a content URI);
op.withValue(key, value);
//...more of these
ContentProviderOperation op1 =;
//Do more of these
op = ContentProviderOperation.newInsert(a content URI);
op.withValue(key, value);
//...more of these
//Take the key coming out of op1 and add it as the value
op.withValueBackOperation(mykey, 0);
op.withYieldAllowed(true); //it is ok to commit
ContentProviderOperation op2 =;
satya - 1/3/2015, 10:17:57 AM
Key classes and methods
satya - 1/3/2015, 10:19:54 AM
Read this documentation on optimistic locking
satya - 1/3/2015, 10:36:12 AM
Reusing the UI of the contacts application is documented here
Reusing the UI of the contacts application is documented here