Groovy sample code
satya - 7/19/2018, 2:39:27 PM
Printing a collection objects in groovy
Printing a collection objects in groovy
satya - 7/19/2018, 3:24:09 PM
//from a list
def list = ["A", "B", "C"]
for (item in list) {
println item
for (number in 1..3 ) {
println number
//a map
def map = [a1:'b1', a2:'b2']
for ( item in map ) {
println item.key
//each syntax using closures
def list = ["A", "B"]
list.each {
println it
//syntactic sugar
(1..3).each {
println it
//with indexed closures
def list = ["A", "B", "C"]
list.eachWithIndex { val, idx ->
println "${idx}. ${val}"
satya - 7/23/2018, 12:49:00 PM
working with maps in groovy
working with maps in groovy
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:08:54 PM
Here is an example messing with dynamic properties
class GroovyTest2 {
def propMap = [:]
def String get(String name)
def String set(String name, String value)
propMap[name] = value;
println "set method called ${name}:${value}"
static void main(String... args)
println "hello world"
GroovyTest2 gc = new GroovyTest2();
gc.p1 = "hello"
gc.p2 = "why"
println "done ${gc.p2}"
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:09:45 PM
How are get and set method are resolved dynamically in groovy?
How are get and set method are resolved dynamically in groovy?
Search for: How are get and set method are resolved dynamically in groovy?
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:12:22 PM
what is def in groovy?
what is def in groovy?
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:19:46 PM
Native syntax for data structures
def mylist = []
def mymap = [:]
By default keys are strings
Strings don't have to be quoted as a key
def map = [CA: 'California', MI: 'Michigan']
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:21:17 PM
def as a type signature of a property
def var1;
var1 = "string";
var1 = 5
//similar to
Object var1;
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:22:48 PM
In the code above the def is redundant!!!
In the code above the def is redundant!!!
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:23:54 PM
So this code is better
class GroovyTest2 {
private def propMap = [:]
String get(String name)
String set(String name, String value)
propMap[name] = value;
println "set method called ${name}:${value}"
static void main(String... args)
println "hello world"
GroovyTest2 gc = new GroovyTest2();
gc.p1 = "hello"
gc.p2 = "why"
println "done ${gc.p2}"
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:29:52 PM
Take a look
abstract class Abstract {
String name
abstract def abstractMethod()
def concreteMethod() {
println 'concrete'
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:32:42 PM
1. The "def" means the method returns an object of any type
2. the last line apparently returns without a return
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:32:59 PM
return type of println in groovy
return type of println in groovy
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:35:36 PM
Methods in groovy are explained here as part of object orientation
Methods in groovy are explained here as part of object orientation
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:39:41 PM
println returns void
println returns void
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:40:04 PM
So the following code returns a null when defined with def
class GroovyTest2 {
private def propMap = [:]
String get(String name)
String set(String name, String value)
propMap[name] = value;
println "set method called ${name}:${value}"
def f1()
println "f1 called"
static void main(String... args)
println "hello world"
GroovyTest2 gc = new GroovyTest2();
gc.p1 = "hello"
gc.p2 = "why"
println "done ${gc.p2}"
//it seem to return a null
println gc.f1()
satya - 7/23/2018, 1:55:00 PM
How are gets and sets resolved in Groovy?
How are gets and sets resolved in Groovy?
satya - 10/31/2019, 12:30:20 PM
Method call conventions and omitting parentheses is explained in the style guide. Here is the link again
satya - 10/31/2019, 12:37:20 PM
Few key notes from there: No parentheses
println ("hello")
println "hello"
method a, b
satya - 10/31/2019, 12:37:58 PM
If the last argument is a closure
list.each( { println it } )
list.each(){ println it }
list.each { println it }
satya - 10/31/2019, 12:40:36 PM
getters and setters are automatic
class Person {
String name
satya - 10/31/2019, 12:42:36 PM
Easy constructors
class Server {
String name
Cluster cluster
def server = new Server(name: "Obelix",
cluster: aCluster)
satya - 10/31/2019, 12:43:24 PM
This is nice: with =
server.status = status
server.sessionCount = 3
server.with {
name =
status = status
sessionCount = 3
satya - 10/31/2019, 2:07:48 PM
String surprises: Single quotes will not expand the string and behaves like Java
x = "xstring"
//wrong: will print abc $(x)
//because it is not in double quotes
print 'abc $(x)'
satya - 10/31/2019, 2:09:04 PM
What you want is double quotes to expand $ sign
print "abc $(x)"
//still wrong because you need to use {} and not ()
//correct one
print "abc ${x}"
//not that will print correctly
abc xstring