Let us start with data
For the benefit of writing about XML in XML I have used regular brackets instead of angular brackets. If you cut and paste the code accordingly replace them back.
Basic XSD definition with one element
(?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?)
This is an xml document. The first line has to be the above line.
It can not be a comment
(!--The root element of an xml schema --)
(xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema"
(xs:element name="article")
Comment describing your root element
The xml schema has a name space identified by the url at w3.org. Setting the "elementFormDefault" to "qualified" forces the elements in the xml target document to be namespace qualified and the attributes are set so that they don't have to be qualified with their namespace. There is one element called "article" defined as part of the schema so far. This element has a comment in the shape of an xs:annotation.
Next level XSD with children for the article element added
(?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?)
(!--The root element of your xml document --)
(xs:element name="article")
(xs:element name="author" type="xs:string"/)
(xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/)
(xs:element name="publish-date" type="xs:date"/)
(xs:element name="keywords" minoccurs="0" type="xs:string"/)
This may be paraphrased to be equivalent to the following in a programming language
public class article
complextype all of (author, title, publish-date, keywords)
The element article is defined as a collection of the named elements which can occur in any order. The "xs:all" has specially defined semantics and seemed to be a short cut for a common usage pattern. The children elements can appear in any order but any element can not occur more than once. The element is allowed to be optional by setting the "minoccurs" attribute on that element to be 0. For example the keywords element is an optional elment in this group.
To force the order on those elements we can use the xs:sequence
(?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?)
(xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema")
(!--The root element of your xml document --)
(xs:element name="article")
(xs:element name="author" type="xs:string"/)
(xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/)
(xs:element name="publish-date" type="xs:date"/)
(xs:element name="keywords" minoccurs="0" type="xs:string"/)
The nature of sequence is that the elements have to appear in the same order. One flexibility point in a sequence is that an element can occur more than once but in that order.
The story of minoccurs and maxoccurs
According to the spec, If both are ommitted then the element must occur once and only once. This means minoccurs and maxoccurs are 1 by default. so if you say that an element's minoccurs is 0 then it is optional and can occur once. The maximum value for a maxoccurs is called "unbounded".
An alternative to inline or annonymous typing of xml elements
(?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?)
(xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema")
(!--Define your type first --)
(xs:complexType name="ArticleType")
(xs:element name="author" type="xs:string"/)
(xs:element name="title" type="xs:string"/)
(xs:element name="publish-date" type="xs:date"/)
(xs:element name="keywords" minoccurs="0" type="xs:string"/)
(!-- Then define your element --)
(xs:element name="article" type="ArticleType")
This code first defines a complex type called "ArticleType" and then defines an element with that type. Now the defined type with a name is reusable. More than reuse this separation of named types allows for cleaner reading of code as you don't have to nest them.
Name spaces and xsd
There is an annoying amount of detail related to the organization of namespaces in xsd and the target XML document. The included Aaron's first document gives as best an explanation of this detail as any one could. Being primer I have decided not to attack that area at this time.
Part1 of A quick guide to XML Schema by Aaron Skonnard
Part2 of A quick gide to XML Schema by Aaron Skonnard
XML Knowledge Folder where I collect XML related information
Satya - Wednesday, January 26, 2005 2:57:34 PM
What is the difference between xs:all and xs:sequence?
It appears that you can not have a max occurance that is greater than 1 in an "all". Why?
annonymous - Monday, August 01, 2005 3:45:49 PM
XSD Data types
xs:string xs:date xs:integer xs:int (a signed 32 bit int) xs:short xs:boolean xs:hexBinary xs:anyURI
Satya - Monday, August 01, 2005 4:11:07 PM
Validate your xml/xsd here
Satya - Monday, August 01, 2005 5:01:08 PM
Annoying thing about xs:all
Apparently xs:all does not allow an element more than once. That means you have to sacrifice the order of elements convenience and go for a sequence. Perhaps there is a work around. I will post it when I find out.
Satya - Monday, August 01, 2005 8:57:35 PM
Common xml schema patterns
Common xml schema patterns from w3c
Intention is good, but the examples are too techy and insufficient to represent even simple things like a collection of elements
I have kept the link here to probe further at a later point
satya - Wednesday, June 14, 2006 10:59:20 AM
Generate XML Schema from xml