Apologize to the audience for rushing through the process. But you can download the presentation from the link below
I will be here at the conference all of today and thursday. If you want to chit chat on what i have talked about you can call me at 904-662-5427. Or you can stop me in the lobby if you have any questions. Or you can send me an email at satya at activeintellect.com.
Portland is quite pretty, and July seem to be pretty reasonable for someone visiting from Florida. I have a session this year covering some server side java patterns that I have practiced, or ran into or those that just happened. This is quite a large effort for a 45 minute session. I am scheduled to cover around 15 patterns in that space (I might successfully read their names in that time period). Not to be discouraged, I will be writing about each pattern a series of articles that are going to be published between now and the begining of my session. In case an unsuspecting individuals manage to stray this side they should be treated with a full blast java code.
Look around the left and top borders of this web page, you might be able to discern a couple of things on what I do. This website itself is built with some of the same principles laid out in the patterns above. I spend most of my free time these days adding content to this site, apparently for no good reason as per a very rational set of friends. But I press on.
1. Summary article of the session. This lays out what I want to talk about in the session, at least at a high level.
2. Unified Abstract Configuration Pattern Examples.
3. Unified Object Server Factory Examples.
4. Declarative Relational Datasets Examples.
5. Hierarchical Datasets Examples.
6. Typed Hierarchical Datasets Pattern:Code Examples.
7. Transparent Data Pipelines Pattern:Code Examples.
8. Declarative Software Part: Code Examples.
9. Transactional Pipelines: Code Examples.
10. Typed Interface Generation Pattern: Code Examples.
11. Tier-less computing pattern: Code Examples.
12. Abstract Page Data Pattern: Code Examples.
13. Pluggable Transformations Pattern: Code Examples.
14. Generic Transformations Pattern: Code Examples.
15. Master page pattern: Code Examples
16. Declarative event based caching: Code Examples
17. Strategized Sessions Pattern: Code Examples
18. Authentication Pattern: Code Examples
19. Clientside Redirector Pattern: Code Examples
20. Optimistic Paging Pattern: Code Examples
OSCON 2004 Wiki Activity links
VegFoodBOF Planning on attending if it is on wednesday