1) Secure code notes (24-May-18)
3) What is FlumeJava? (13-Mar-18)
4) Understanding VPNs (5-Mar-18)
5) What is Mobile Device Management? (3-Mar-18)
7) Gilbert Strang and Linear Alzebra (15-Jan-18)
9) Hystrix: Netflix API stack at Netflix OSS (16-Aug-17)
12) etcd (26-Jul-17)
14) Chef (25-Jul-17)
17) Memcached, EVCache (25-Jul-17)
23) Service Discovery (25-Jul-17)
25) Progressive Web (24-Jul-17)
26) Hue (23-Jul-17)
27) SASL (22-Jul-17)
30) On Xamarian: a quick look (19-Jun-17)
31) What are cloud management platforms (CMPs)? (27-Aug-16)
33) ANTLR and other Compiler Related Tools (3-Aug-16)
34) 5051 What is AppEnsure? (3-Aug-16)
35) 5027 Browser based cloud ides (3-Aug-16)
36) 4998 What is Swift? (2-Aug-16)
37) 4982 What is Redis? (2-Aug-16)
38) 5053 What is GetApp? (31-Jul-16)
39) What is Outsystems? (19-May-15)
40) In search of a service host or what I call a process server (18-May-15)
42) Hacking the Job Market (22-Apr-15)
44) On Organizational Structure (5-Mar-15)
46) what is wireshark? (A tool to analyze packet data!) (13-Jan-15)
47) What is Data Virtualization and Connected Analytics? (15-Sep-14)
48) What tools are there to better understand Biology? (3-Sep-14)
49) Future of Technology 1 (28-Apr-14)
50) Explore TypeScript and how to use it (16-Mar-14)
51) Tech news I want to look back later (17-Feb-14)
52) Lot of URLs on the new Microsoft CEO: Satya Nadella (5-Feb-14)
53) User Experience (28-Aug-13)
55) What is Raspberry Pi? (24-Jun-13)
56) What is Red Orbit? (24-Jun-13)
57) What is facebook OpenGraph (9-May-13)
58) What is Electric Cloud for Release management? (12-Apr-13)
59) What is HP Project Moonshot? (12-Apr-13)
60) On Scaling and Distributed systems and the CAP theorem (10-Apr-13)
62) Reluctant Spinzone: Key Self Help Articles (2-Feb-13)
63) What is OpenCompute? (15-Nov-12)
64) OSGI: Open servives gateway interface (30-Oct-12)
65) Conf. Devoxx 2012 (30-Oct-12)
66) Marketing and Relevance: some ideas (11-Oct-12)
67) What is Trifacta, Protovis, D3.js, Big data? (4-Oct-12)
68) This is absolutely fascinating science (4-Oct-12)
69) A nice solution to use google docs as the input to your CMS (3-Oct-12)
70) How to reorient your energy? (29-Sep-12)
71) Whats up with Dell Boomi? (28-Sep-12)
72) What is a Download manager (21-Sep-12)
73) whats new in windows server 2012? (21-Sep-12)
74) What is work.com? (20-Sep-12)
75) What is OpenCL? Note it is not OpenGL... (20-Sep-12)
76) Mathematics of Bending/Folding Surfaces (19-Sep-12)
77) What is Get Satisfaction? (14-Sep-12)
78) What is Coursera? (16-Aug-12)
79) What is mapreduce? (30-Jul-12)
80) What is Dryad? (30-Jul-12)
82) What is Spark? (30-Jul-12)
83) What is Mesos? (30-Jul-12)
85) Understanding Singlesignon on Salesforce (5-May-10)
86) Hyperbolic Geometry and mechanics of spare time (3-May-10)
87) How to run a tech incubator: May be (3-May-10)
88) CNN Technology blogs (3-May-10)
89) Understanding Public Key Cryptography and Keytool (15-Mar-10)
90) How trickles become torrents (12-Mar-10)
91) Understanding OpenID (11-Mar-10)
94) Aspect Oriented Programming (15-Sep-08)
96) svg current status and possibilities (6-Sep-08)
98) LCIM - Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model (7-Aug-08)
100) NASA Space COLAB (7-Aug-08)
101) OWL (7-Aug-08)
102) Ontology (7-Aug-08)
103) IKL (7-Aug-08)
104) Darkstar (7-Aug-08)
106) OpenSim (7-Aug-08)
107) SciLands (7-Aug-08)
108) Linden Scripting Language (7-Aug-08)
109) CLF - Common Logic Framework (7-Aug-08)
110) what is indesign? (30-Aug-06)
111) Wilson quarterly (6-Jul-06)
112) Creating content online from pcweek (24-Jun-06)
113) Search engines oai-pmh, google sitemap (29-Apr-06)
115) url: An interview with C.J Date on databases (13-Aug-05)
116) Google maps and Google Hacks (9-Jun-05)
117) research: Take a look at this product site (13-Apr-05)
118) research: How to use digital media for better visibility and effect (20-Feb-05)
119) Semantic web notes (4-Feb-05)
120) MILK: Multimedia Interaction for Learning and Knowing (26-Nov-04)
121) The Croquet project (26-Nov-04)
122) DoD SBIR 2004.1 solicitation has been issued for public release (16-Sep-04)
123) Tomcat 5 by Jason Brittain (21-Aug-04)
125) Understand dynabeans, beanutils from commons (19-Aug-04)
126) Java source code analyzer (9-Aug-04)
127) Maven related links (9-Aug-04)
128) AspectJ from eclipse (2-Aug-04)
129) Ultra light components - suggested by Michael of OSCOM (26-Jul-04)
130) uPortal from Ja-sig (23-Jul-04)
131) Sakai Collaboration and Learning Environment (23-Jul-04)
132) qnext: online collaboration (29-Jun-04)
133) JDesktop Integration Components (29-Jun-04)
134) JDNC: JDesktop Network Components (29-Jun-04)
135) Longhorn (12-Jun-04)
136) XAML like application platform (28-May-04)
137) SANKHYA Translation Framework (4-May-04)
138) MAPGEN: Mixed Initiative Activity Planning Generator from nasa (12-Apr-04)
139) Six-Step Problem Solving Method (7-Apr-04)
140) Lot of XUL toolkits including thinlets (24-Feb-04)
141) State of XUL for swing (23-Feb-04)
142) Mozilla home page for XUL (23-Feb-04)
143) XUL for swing (23-Feb-04)
144) Northface University (18-Feb-04)
145) Swing Sightings Volume 20 (13-Feb-04)
146) Javadesktop.org (13-Feb-04)
147) An online community of people (12-Feb-04)
148) anything goes (21-Jan-04)
149) Amit Singh's Kernel thread.com (8-Jan-04)
150) Year end review of OnJava articles by Chris Adamson (8-Jan-04)
152) WordML (3-Jan-04)
153) XAML: Longhorn markup language (3-Jan-04)
154) JXPath: xpath for Java objects (3-Jan-04)
155) A web of rules - Kendall Grant Clark (5-Nov-03)
156) Write once publish many times (28-Oct-03)
157) An article on XForms (17-Oct-03)
158) Developmentor thread on rules engines (16-Oct-03)
160) PlanetLab: An overlay network on top of the internet (15-Oct-03)