0) humanities: Real Age Makeover (12-Dec-08)
1) Book: If you like Dogs, and not particularly Math, this one may be for you (17-Feb-07)
2) keith devlin math and wobbly tables (17-Feb-07)
3) The plow that broke the plains, The River, Virgil Thompson (17-Feb-07)
4) To purpose; to plan; as, he lays out to make a journey. (10-Feb-07)
5) Shel Silverstein (8-Feb-07)
6) when it is in use we feel very good - Carl Sagan (22-Jan-07)
7) No man who is occupied ... - George Bernard Shaw (22-Jan-07)
8) Exercising the patience - Dalai Lama (22-Jan-07)
9) That presses the essence from the hour - Mary Oliver (22-Jan-07)
10) To gain in strength and elevation of mind - Marceline Desbordes Valmore (22-Jan-07)
11) Do some one thing superlatively well - Hortense Odlum (22-Jan-07)
12) I believe that we learn by practice - Martha Graham (22-Jan-07)
13) To devote its entire heart and mind (4-Jan-07)
14) What an expensive education can buy you!! (28-Dec-06)
15) Spelling is important!! (6-Dec-06)
16) Google Dinosaur (10-Nov-06)
19) Children of the Alley: Egyptian Nobel Laureate (30-Aug-06)
20) Mark Hauser: Moral Minds (30-Aug-06)
21) Speed Bumps... (24-Aug-06)
23) The wailin Jennys (6-Aug-06)
24) If you've seen one you've seen Amal... (23-Jul-06)
25) don't be anything less than everything you can be - Hal Hackady, Larry Grossman (18-Jul-06)
26) Mattanu pulakaagra kanthatha vitaanamu thakina (19-Jun-06)
27) Putt's first law and its corollary (18-Apr-06)
29) Looking up 'Indra Neelam' (2-Apr-06)
30) Ask the experts at scienttific american (26-Mar-06)
33) The Reduced Shakespeare company (26-Mar-06)
35) humanities: Mick Moloney (21-Mar-06)
38) A power walk for your divergent brain as a power nap is to your restless body (22-Oct-05)
40) Donate to red cross hurricane relief (1-Sep-05)
41) stopping by woods on a snowy evening - Robert Frost (28-Aug-05)
42) Navigating a grid lay out: A trivial pursuit (30-Jul-05)
43) Eighteen Recommended Books for Girls (29-Jul-05)
45) Nature conservancy website (10-Jul-05)
47) Additional names in search of ideas (17-Jun-05)
48) Notes on writing (16-Jun-05)
49) An automatic language translation web site (7-Jun-05)
50) Crown of the continent (25-May-05)
51) hum: Pacifier is a good film (5-Mar-05)
52) MIT Presidents (11-Feb-05)
53) Education for a New Era (11-Feb-05)
54) For the people, by the people (20-Dec-04)
55) The pilgrim girl (29-Nov-04)
56) Paul Graham is a brilliant writer (4-Aug-04)
57) The true artist helps the world by revealing mystic truths - Bruce Nauman (12-Jul-04)
58) Her fire had Freon in it - Richard Corliss on Katharine Hepburn (25-Jun-04)
59) The circumstances of education in 18th and 19th century America (11-Jun-04)
60) ASCII smileys compiled by James Marshall (10-Jun-04)
61) Palette is spelled "pallete" and not "pallete" (24-Apr-04)
62) Ideas from a prominent set of individuals on invention (17-Apr-04)
64) Mystic's musings (5-Jan-04)
65) Political commentary (1-Jan-04)
66) Fearfully and wonderfully made (13-Oct-03)
67) Mary Pipher: Author of Reviving Ophelia (5-Sep-03)
68) Sleep after toil - A quote by Edmund Spenser (5-Aug-03)