EGit Merge Conflicts
satya - 6/22/2018, 10:41:45 AM
egit merge conflicts
egit merge conflicts
satya - 6/22/2018, 10:48:46 AM
I do a pull.
egit reports a merge conflict.
I see 3 heads. fetch head, my current local commit head, merge head.
It points out to the merge view with the files listed.
However, I do not know a) how to merge b) how to say i am done with merge.
Problem1: It is only allowing movement from local copy to the "editable". is that what is supposed to happen?
Problem2: How do I say accept the file?
Very confusing!!!
satya - 6/22/2018, 10:49:34 AM
Here is a doc (seem old) but seem to give some hints
satya - 6/22/2018, 10:53:24 AM
Git Non-fast-forward
Git Non-fast-forward
satya - 6/22/2018, 10:54:31 AM
A commit-push can be rejected if non-fast-forward
If you try to commit-push but the remote has a commit point that came after your last pull commit.
So the commit-push will be rejected.
satya - 6/22/2018, 10:57:49 AM
This is a good video on this
satya - 6/22/2018, 11:17:46 AM
Rejected push scenario
1. commit-push
//fails as there were new commits on server
commit succeeds, but stays un-pushed.
2. Pull //will pull and merge
A merged local commit will be created
3. push again
Both commits will be pushed up to the server.
satya - 6/22/2018, 11:49:54 AM
Here is an important topic: Comparing
satya - 6/22/2018, 11:58:05 AM
How do you review before performing a merge
How do you review before performing a merge
satya - 6/22/2018, 1:43:06 PM
A good video: Remote server and git merging
satya - 6/22/2018, 2:05:45 PM
Git/EGit will not update remote references automatically
To update remote references in order to see the latest commits one has to do a fetch.
Even the history view will not show without a fetch.
satya - 6/22/2018, 2:36:33 PM
What is git stash changes
What is git stash changes