What does it mean by Language Crash Course for any language?
satya - 7/12/2020, 9:35:07 AM
What is a language crash course for computer languages?
1. Is it hard?
2. What is the minimum learning load?
3. If I know one language how can I write in another one quickly?
4. What are those minimum topics to become productive for most general tasks?
5. General tasks are those which you most often in a language
6. What is the minimum set so I get the rhythm of the language
8. What is the theory behind those topics for a non programmer and a seasoned programmer
9. What do I need to write a non trivial useful (subjective) program?
10. Can I get a single program in a single file that demonstrates ALL topics above so I can use it as a template?
satya - 7/12/2020, 9:37:50 AM
1. Theory
2. Tools (installation, editor)
3. Single file comprehensive crash course program
satya - 7/12/2020, 9:39:33 AM
Crash Course for Any Language - Level 1
satya - 7/12/2020, 9:40:39 AM
Crash Course for Any Language - Level 2
satya - 7/12/2020, 9:41:24 AM
Deliverable for each language
1. Theory
2. Tools (installation, editor)
3. Single file comprehensive crash course program
satya - 7/12/2020, 9:44:30 AM
SFCCP - Single File Crash Course Program for Language X
1. Python
2. Julia
3. Powershell
4. Java
5. C#
6. Rust
7. Javascript
satya - 7/12/2020, 9:46:19 AM
Deliverable for each language: Ver 2
1. Theory
2. Tools (installation, editor)
3. Single file comprehensive crash course program
4. A set of simple projects