Useful Python URLs
satya - 12/30/2021, 9:07:40 AM
1. All useful
2. Some common
3. Many noteworthy
satya - 12/30/2021, 9:08:40 AM
Python docs
This is an entry point to all python docs for all versions of python
satya - 12/30/2021, 9:09:43 AM
Python detailed and philosophical Howtos
Python detailed and philosophical Howtos
A sublink in the docs itself
satya - 12/30/2021, 9:11:09 AM
You will find here such things as
. sorting
. unicode
. regex
. logging
. functional programming
satya - 1/3/2022, 2:37:10 PM
PEPs: Python enhancement proposals
PEPs: Python enhancement proposals
Discusses various language elements, why they were there, the philosophy, how to use