Public Knowledge Folders of Satya Komatineni

00.01-About     summary
00.05-Articles     summary
00.10-Conferences     summary
00.15-Research     summary
05.03-Meta Principles     summary
05.10-Letters To My Daughter     summary
Android 1.5     summary
1.5 issues (4-May-09)
A good android interview question (28-May-11)
Android Core /res/values/themes.xml (30-May-12)
Android release names and their API levels (27-Feb-15)
Android Security News (26-Jul-13)
android tool options (19-Apr-09)
Android User Guides (26-Mar-11)
Android web goodies: various sundry useful links (13-Feb-14)
Can I include externally build java jar files such as JDBC jars in Android (21-May-11)
Collected notes on the Android Avds, Install, and Emulator (25-Jul-12)
Collected notes on the Android Contacts API (6-Dec-11)
Collected notes on the Android Widgets API (6-Dec-11)
Compare and contrast LiMo with Android (18-Apr-09)
Creating HTML apps for mobile (3-Nov-12) (19-Dec-13)
Exploring AlarmManager (8-Mar-14)
Exploring Google IO (13-Dec-13)
Game Developer Stories (8-Nov-12)
Game Engines for Android (19-Mar-14)
get on with git (23-Nov-11)
google tv (27-May-11)
Heroku, Play, and Java (2-Sep-11)
honoring the back stack across applications (11-Sep-11)
How can I make a pending intent unique based on extras (15-Dec-11)
How can I start writing apps for Camera in Android? (17-Nov-11)
How can I view source on an android browser? (19-Aug-09)
How I have learned Android SDK: An Authors note (14-Jul-11)
How to buy and use Dev phone 1? (18-Apr-09)
How to print current thread information (13-May-11)
How to take a snapshot on an android device (17-Sep-12)
How to use PendingIntent (15-Dec-11)
How to use toast (22-Aug-12)
In Android how to scroll a TextView and a bit about ScrollView (26-Jul-14)
In search of pen based tablets (23-Jun-11)
intent filters and uris (22-Oct-09)
Just for fun: Spot the problem (8-Apr-13)
Key conferences (29-Jul-13)
Key processing (4-May-09)
layout inflater and loading layouts dynamically (15-Aug-11)
May 24th, Jacksonville, Pro Android 3 at Arc Sig (11-May-11)
Mobile display of web pages (10-Sep-11)
More notes on layouts (7-Oct-11)
More on Android Alarm Manager, 2014 (8-Mar-14)
motorola droid (7-Oct-10)
Motorola Xoom WiFi (27-Apr-11)
My Experience with Samsung Galaxy S4 (17-Sep-13)
New XML file wizard (19-Apr-09)
NFC and Android (18-Jan-11)
On Android, Soap or REST? (3-Nov-12)
Pro Android 2: A Developers Handbook (7-May-11)
Pro Android: A Developers Handbook (11-Feb-10)
ProAndroid3 Ch05: Notes on Understanding Intents (20-Aug-10)
Progressive and Responsive Design by Chiu-ki Chan (27-Aug-12)
Publishing your app to the market (19-Sep-11)
Qualcomm Efforts on Android (21-Sep-12)
Research log on understanding Custom Attributes in Android (18-Sep-12)
Saving an activity state (22-Jun-10)
Scratch then and App Inventor Now (23-May-11)
Security and cell phone development (26-Jun-09)
Security and permissions (5-Mar-11)
So KitKat is here now (13-Dec-13)
So you want an Investor!!! (17-May-12)
Summarize Android FAQs (13-Aug-09)
Testing Android Apps (17-May-12)
Thank you for responding to the first 20 promotion! (11-May-11)
The first android-onboarding session has concluded well (27-Oct-11)
The future of Android (18-Apr-09)
thought stream: dreamforce (2-Sep-11)
titanium appcenture (23-Jul-09)
Titanium Mobile (20-Aug-09)
Understand Git Hub: it is becoming the essential component of your toolkit (2-Sep-11)
Understand library projects (15-Nov-11)
Using Android Market (14-Aug-09)
Using spinneradapter (2-Feb-11)
We have started work on Expert Android for APress (26-Jan-13)
Went looking for KitKat but mostly found JellyBean (9-Dec-13)
what are android live folders? (10-Oct-10)
What are APNs? (18-Apr-09)
what are sdk tools? (13-Mar-10)
what are the various git respository names that comprise android source as of 4.0 (23-Nov-11)
What have I been upto lately (8-Oct-11)
What is a good Map to use for writing Registries (15-Sep-09)
What is an OTA Server? (11-Nov-12)
what is android cupcake? (18-Apr-09)
What is Android NDK? (15-Mar-10)
What is android:allowbackup? (5-Aug-14)
What is API level and how is it used? (29-Sep-12)
what is DDMS? (17-Sep-12)
What is Dithering, Blending, Anti-aliasing? (13-Sep-12)
What is electric-cloud and its competitors? (1-Mar-13)
What is Genymotion? (30-Jul-13)
What is min sdk version (28-Oct-11)
What is renderscript? (2-Sep-12)
What is robolectric? (17-Oct-12)
What is squirrelfish? (18-Apr-09)
What is the add on feature and how does it work? (18-Apr-09)
what is the android tool? (23-Oct-09)
what is the uses-library tag? (20-Apr-09)
what is titanium? (21-Jul-09)
what is xmlvm? (21-Jul-09)
What other UI libraries are there for Android? (24-Feb-12)
Whats up with AnDevCon III (18-May-12)
whats up with android 1.5 (18-Apr-09)
whats up with Jelly Bean? (20-Jul-12)
Why I like Nest Labs? (16-Jan-14)
Why is x86 support important? (18-Apr-09)
xml libraries for Android (5-Jul-11)
Android Animations     summary
Android Avds, Install, Emulator     summary
Android Basic UI     summary
Android Coding Help     summary
Android Contacts     summary
Android Core     summary
Android Data Storage     summary
Android Search     summary
Android Widgets     summary
Aspire Knowledge Center (akc)     summary
Aspire Notes     summary
aws     summary
azure     summary
Bigdata     summary
Books     summary
Computer Hardware     summary
Computer Security     summary
Computing For Teens     summary
Corporate-Financial     summary
CS-AS400     summary
CS-dotnet     summary
CS-Java     summary
CS-JavaScript     summary
CSS     summary
CS-SQLServer     summary
CS-xml     summary
Custom Components in Android     summary
Dell Boomi iPAAS     summary
dotnet: An FTP implementation     summary
Eclipse     summary
Enterprise Integration     summary
Fragments and Dialogs     summary
GDGJax2012     summary
Generative Ai     summary
Git     summary
Gradle     summary
Health     summary
Humanities 2007     summary
Humanities Current     summary
I will look at these someday     summary
Immigration     summary
Jacksonville Restaurants     summary
Java 8 and Lambda Functions     summary
Java Server Faces     summary
Java-Portlets     summary
jedit     summary
jquery     summary
Julia     summary
Just-Blogs     summary
laszlo     summary
Links-Dotnet     summary
Lucene     summary
Movies     summary
Music     summary
Node     summary
Older Android Notes     summary
OpenGL     summary
OSCON-2003     summary
OSCON-2004     summary
oscon-2009     summary
Parse Cloud     summary
Paul's Links     summary
People to watch in Technology     summary
portals     summary
PowerShell     summary
Products     summary
quotes     summary
RASI-Rich Annotation Service For Images     summary
React     summary
Recipes     summary
Scratch     summary
Shells: My Writes     summary
Software Architecture     summary
Spanish     summary
Supply Chain Terminology     summary
Technology Magazines     summary
TED     summary
Telugu Related     summary
Themes and Styles     summary
Tomcat     summary
UNF Lectures on Aspire     summary
Video Streaming     summary
vscode     summary
Who am I?     summary
XSLT     summary